Monday, January 28, 2013

Childhood: take two

Now that the snow has all melted (even though up where I am in Scotland it lasted all of two days in earnest) and my pressing university submission deadlines have passed by, I have a minute or two to reflect on childish indulgences and pleasures.

My love for snow - even if it's just a teensy little shower that doesn't settle - is absolutely childish. The sight of those flakes falling from the sky sends me right back to the early '90s when I would spend hours playing in the snow, making snowmen and throwing snowballs at my little brother. As a responsible adult (just) in my final year of university preparing to enter gainful employment beyond the world of part-time cafe work, I spend much of my time avoiding childish indulgence - unless it involves large quantities of fizzy cola laces shared amongst friends.

Why, though? I understand the importance of acting responsibly, if I didn't I probably wouldn't still be at university or successfully living independently, but having childish moments is probably just as important. Running around in the snow, playing old GameBoy games, watching bad TV with friends while eating junk food, these are all things that make responsible life fun and interesting. Without them, who are we? Boring, average people who do nothing but go to work?

Carpe diem. Fifteen minutes of childish indulgence a day never hurt anyone.

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